Tue May 11 05:08:27 PDT 2021

From Guillem Martí-Devesa guillem.marti-devesa@uibk.ac.at: sent: 5/7/2021 22:21 (PT) received: 5/8/2021 04:00 plots generated 5/8/2021 04:45

Hi Toby, Last year I read the work from Matthew and wanted to apply it to some binaries. May I try it on Eta Car? We are getting out a paper on it and could be interesting to see what results can we get with bayesian blocks on the periastron(s). Cheers, Guillem

from wtlike import WtLike, PointSource
source = PointSource('Eta Car')
Source "Eta Car" at: (l,b)=(287.597,-0.630)

Create the WtLike object with the source:

First time it takes ~10 min to extract the photon dataset, then make default 7-day cells for likelihood analysis.

wtl = WtLike(source)
SourceData: photons and exposure for Eta Car: Restoring from cache with key "Eta Car_data"
WtLike: Source Eta Car with:
	 data:     1,501,690  photons   from 2008-08-04 to 2021-05-06
	 exposure: 3,270,057 intervals  from 2008-08-04 to 2021-05-06
	 est. rates from weights: source 6.69e-08/s, background 4.15e-06/s, S/N ratio 0.02
CellData: Bin photon data into 665 1-week bins from 54683.0 to 59338.0
LightCurve: select 658 cells for fitting with e>0.5 & n>2

Make a weekly light curve for the 12 2/3 years.


Determine position of peak

t tw n ts flux errors limit
504 58214.5 7.0 4076 124.2 6.64 (-0.689, 0.696) 7.80
505 58221.5 7.0 6822 483.6 11.55 (-0.639, 0.644) 12.62
506 58228.5 7.0 9512 495.4 9.31 (-0.501, 0.504) 10.14
507 58235.5 7.0 5991 132.6 5.55 (-0.547, 0.551) 6.46

Make a plot around the peak

wtl.plot(tzero=58100, xlim=(0,200) );

Expand the scale

Make a daily view.

daily = wtl.view((58200, 58250, 1))
CellData: Bin photon data into 50 1-day bins from 58200.0 to 58250.0
LightCurve: select 28 cells for fitting with e>0.5 & n>2