From Guillem MartÃ-Devesa guillem.marti-devesa@uibk.ac.at: sent: 5/7/2021 22:21 (PT) received: 5/8/2021 04:00 plots generated 5/8/2021 04:45
Hi Toby, Last year I read the work from Matthew and wanted to apply it to some binaries. May I try it on Eta Car? We are getting out a paper on it and could be interesting to see what results can we get with bayesian blocks on the periastron(s). Cheers, Guillem
from wtlike import WtLike, PointSource
source = PointSource('Eta Car')
wtl = WtLike(source)
wtl.plot(tzero=58100, xlim=(0,200) );
daily = wtl.view((58200, 58250, 1))