A step by step guide
from wtlike import Config, Simulation, WtLike
import numpy as np

Install wtlike

This assumes that you already have a Jupyter Notebook Server configured on your machine.

Either run this notebook, or copy the cells into a new notebook.

wtlike is on PyPI--to install it,

pip install wtlike

Next we generate a simulated on-the-fly dataset in lieu of downloading the 3-GB of so of the fermi data.

Define a source flux function.

Note that we measure time in day units, and will pick a 30-day interval for this demo.

The following function has a flare at 15 days.

def src_flare(t, tzero=15, width=1, amp=5):
    return 1e-6*(1 + amp*np.exp(-(t-tzero)**2/2/width))

We use it to tell the simulation that the flux has this behavior. Note defaults:

  • background -- 1e-6 /s
  • effective area -- 3000 cm^2

Here we create a Simulation object, then pass it to the primary wtlike entry point, the class WtLike. We tell it to immediately bin all the photons into daily time-bins, called "cells". (The time binning can be easily redone.)

test_sim = Simulation('flare_sim', src_flux=src_flare, tstart=0, tstop=30, )
daily = WtLike(test_sim, config=config, time_bins=(0,0,1))
generated 18664 photons
SourceData: Source flare_sim with:
	 data:        18,664 simulated photons over 30.0 days.
	 exposure:     8,640 intervals,  average effective area 3000 cm^2 for 2.6 Ms
	 rates:  source 1.42e-06/s, background 9.82e-07/s,
CellData.rebin: Bin photon data into 30 1-day bins from 0.0 to 30.0
LightCurve: select 30 cells for fitting with e>5 & n>2

Now make a light curve!


The cells have each been analyzed to create a likelihood function representation. The first few cells are:

t tw e n w S B
0 0.5 1.0 258.299988 540 [0.88695556, 0.6516491, 0.40397277, 0.00549019... 366.216003 253.757095
1 1.5 1.0 259.200012 483 [0.5980684, 0.7125182, 0.0100688925, 0.8557029... 367.492065 254.641296

The Kerr likelihood function for a cell is a function of $w$, the list of weights, and $S$, an estimate for the total signal counts in the cell

$$ \displaystyle\log\mathcal{L}(\alpha\ |\ w)\ = \sum_{w} \log \big( 1 + \alpha\ w \big) - \alpha\ S $$

where $\alpha$ is the variation from the nominal zero. The background is assumed to be constant here, as it usually is the region surrounding sources of interest. The relative flux is $1+\alpha$.

We generate an approximate representation of this function by fitting it to a 3-parameter Poisson-like function, which easily provides the values of interest.

t tw n e ts flux errors limit
0 0.5 1.0 540 258.299988 381.4 0.6155 (-0.048, 0.05) 0.699286
1 1.5 1.0 483 259.200012 354.6 0.5929 (-0.047, 0.049) 0.675680

About DataFrames

The properties photons, exposure, cells, fits, and fluxes are pandas.DataFrame objects. For those unfamiliar with pandas, note that one can create "csv" files with the method to_csv(filename).

The function query is very useful: To select the cells with flux>3,

t tw n e ts flux errors limit
14 14.5 1.0 1626 259.200012 9822.7 3.9780 (-0.105, 0.107) 4.156525
15 15.5 1.0 1603 259.200012 9716.3 3.9478 (-0.105, 0.107) 4.125787


A WtLike object provides a function view, which returns a copy but with a different binning. So if we want a detailed look at the flare, we can choose an interval. The parameters specify an interval 10 days after the start, and 10 days before the end, with 1/day or 6-hour bins.

qday = daily.view(10, -10, 0.25)
CellData.rebin: Bin photon data into 40 6-hour bins from 10.0 to 20.0
LightCurve: select 40 cells for fitting with e>1.25 & n>2

Bayesian-Block view

The WtLike object also has a special bb_view function, which does a Bayesian Block analysis and returns a view of it.

bb = qday.bb_view();bb.plot();
Bayesian Blocks: partitioning 40 cells using LikelihoodFitness with penalty 5%
	found 10 / 40 blocks.
LightCurve: Loaded 10 / 10 cells for fitting

This creates variable-sized cells corresponding to the Bayesian Block analysis, the fits for which are shown here:

t tw n e ts flux errors limit
0 11.250 2.50 1354 64.800000 1126.1 0.6853 (-0.032, 0.032) 0.739687
1 12.875 0.75 514 64.800003 929.8 1.1579 (-0.07, 0.072) 1.279529
2 13.500 0.50 478 64.800003 1726.1 2.0977 (-0.11, 0.113) 2.289207
3 14.000 0.50 605 64.800003 2904.3 2.8378 (-0.126, 0.13) 3.056549
4 15.000 1.50 2568 64.799998 16163.5 4.2359 (-0.089, 0.09) 4.385392
5 16.000 0.50 669 64.800003 3271.1 3.1061 (-0.132, 0.136) 3.334687
6 16.375 0.25 249 64.800003 913.2 2.2067 (-0.159, 0.165) 2.489491
7 16.750 0.50 399 64.800003 1043.6 1.5641 (-0.097, 0.1) 1.733543
8 17.500 1.00 594 64.800003 745.8 0.8717 (-0.054, 0.056) 0.965596
9 19.000 2.00 1025 64.800003 637.3 0.5628 (-0.033, 0.034) 0.619901

Getting help

This jupyterlab environment allows easy exploration of help for any class or function. The two classes so far:

Simulation = Simulation
Init signature:
- src_flux : source flux, scalar or function of days, typically around 1e-7
- tstart, tstop :(days)
- bkg_rate : background flux, scalar or function of day, typicaly 1e-6 for 4-deg cone
- efun : scalar | function (of time in days) of the exposure/s. Typically 3000 cm^2 for fermi

- wt_signif : the width of the PSF in (r/rmax)**2 coordinates
- rng : random generator instance, or integer seed
File:           /mnt/c/users/thbur/OneDrive/work/wtlike/wtlike/simulation.py
Type:           type
Init signature: WtLike(*pars, **kwargs)
There are three layers of initialization, implemented in superclasses,
each with parameters. The classnames, associated parameters and data members set:

SourceData -- load photons and exposure
      - source : name, a PointSource object, or a Simulation object
      - config [Config()] : basic configuration
      - week_range [None] : range of weeks to load
      - key [''] : the cache key: '' means construct one with the source name, None to disable
      - clear [False] : if using cache, clear the contents first
      - photons
      - exposure

CellData -- create cells
      - time_bins [Config().time_bins] : binning: start, stop, binsize
      - cells
    creates copies with new cells:
      - view
      - phase_view

LightCurve -- likelihood analysis of the cells
      - e_min [10] -- threshold for exposure (cm^2 units)
      - n_min [2]  -- likelihood has trouble with this few
      - lc_key [None] -- possible cache for light curve
      - fits, fluxes

WtLike (this class) -- no parameters (may add BB-specific ones)
    Implements:  bb_view, plot_BB
      - bb_flux  (only if bb_view invoked)
Init docstring:         
File:           /mnt/c/users/thbur/OneDrive/work/wtlike/wtlike/main.py
Type:           type

The three WtLike methods have (preliminary) help as well:

Signature: WtLike.plot(self, *pars, **kwargs)
Make a light curve plot
        Invokes flux_plot, after processing kwargs to intercept
        - log -- translate to `xscale='log'`
        - xlim [None] -- convert to (start, stop) interpreted relative to start, stop if < start.
        - show_flux [False]-- convert y scale to photon flux
        - UTC [False] -- convert x scale to UTC years
        Make a plot of flux vs. time. This is invoked by the `plot` function of `LightCurve`

    - cell_fits -- cell fits DataFrame
    - query ['']-- DataFrame query to select subset
    - ts_bar_min -- threshold for plotting as bar vs limit
    - tzero -- time offset, in MJD
    - source_name -- draw text in top left
    - flux_factor [1]

    - ax [None] -- a matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object returned from plt.subplots<br>
    if None, create one using subplots with fignum [1] and figsize [(12,4)]
    - fmt [''] -- marker symbol -- if not specified, will use '.' if many bins, else 'o'
    - ms [None] -- for marker size
    - colors -- tuple of colors for signal, limit, step
    - step   -- add a "step" plot
    - zorder -- set to different number to order successive calls with same Axis object
    - kwargs -- apply to the `ax` object, like xlim, ylim

    returns the Figure instance
File:      /mnt/c/users/thbur/OneDrive/work/wtlike/wtlike/main.py
Type:      function
Signature: WtLike.view(self, *pars, exp_min=None, no_update=False)
Return a "view", a copy of this instance with a perhaps a different set of cells

- pars -- start, stop, step  to define new binning. Or start, step, or just step
   start and stop are either MJD values, or offsets from the start or stop.
   step -- the cell size in days, or if zero, orbit-based binning

- exp_min [None] -- If specified, a different minimum exposure, in cm^2 Ms units to use for fitting

- no_update -- avoid fitting the cells if invoked by LightCurve or WtLike
File:      /mnt/c/users/thbur/OneDrive/work/wtlike/wtlike/cell_data.py
Type:      function

Using Fermi data.

The only change from the above code is that one substitues PointSource with the designation of a source, for Simulation.

Also, the data files must be available, the config parameter datapath set to the relevant folder. Currently it is set by a line in ~/.config/wtlike/config.yaml. See the Config help.

This requires access to a packaged form of the photon data, a table allowing generation of weights, and the effective area table. The source must have been analyzed with gtlike or pointlike to produce the weight table.

All are available in a 2-GB zip file.

The photon and spacecraft data can be checked with check_data

The configuration must be valid, with path to data existing

from wtlike import *
config = Config()
if config.valid:
    source = PointSource('3C 279'); 
    wtl = WtLike(source, exp_min=50)
Source "3C 279" at: (l,b)=(305.104,57.062), nickname P88Y3243
SourceData:  3C 279: Restoring from cache with key "P88Y3243_data"
SourceData: Source 3C 279 with:
	 data:       191,313 photons from 2008-08-04 to 2022-05-26
	 exposure: 3,042,347 intervals,  average effective area 2768 cm^2 for 90.8 Ms
	 rates:  source 4.03e-07/s, background 3.58e-07/s, TS 182134.1
CellData.rebin: Bin photon data into 720 1-week bins from 54683.0 to 59723.0
LightCurve: select 309 cells for fitting with e>350 & n>2

If the data for this source has not been accessed on this machine before, it must be extracted to a cache, a process that takes some 10 min. Otherwise it is a few seconds to retrieve the cache.

Generate the (default weekly) light curve:

if config.valid: wtl.plot(log=True, UTC=True);