It is based on the development in Kerr Section 5 equations (6) and (8), using code from the godot implementation, specifically the function power_spectrum_fft which follows.


power_spectrum_fft(timeseries, dfgoal=None, tweak_exp=False, exp_only=False, get_amps=False, exposure_correction=None, minf=0)

Use FFT to evalute the sums in the maximum likelihood expression.

This version matches the notation in the paper.

tweak_exp -- make sure that the mean signal for source and background are 0; helps prevent spectral leakage from low frequencies

get_amps -- if True, return frequencies, real amplitudes, imag. amplitudes, and their uncertainties. (NB these are the fractional modulation coefficients.)

Returns: frequencies, P_0 (background fixed power spectrum), P_1 (background-free spectrum), P_b (power spectrum of background)

NB that the resulting power spectrum is oversampled, at least to the nearest convenient power of 2, and of course there are gaps in the LAT exposure. Therefore the oversampling can be e.g. >5x. Thus care is needed if examining the distribution of the PSD, e.g. with a KS test, the effective sqrt(N) is smaller than otherwise might seem.


  • add minf,default 0, to set lowest frequency to return. If set to one, avoid runtime warnings at zero frequency


power_spectrum_plot(power_df, pmax=None, profile=True, ax=None, name=None, fs=(), **kwargs)

Make a plot like Kerr Fig 6

  • power_df -- a DataFrame with 4 columns corresponding to output from power_spectrum_fft = pmax -- if set, the maximum power
  • profile [True] -- make False to show P0 instead of P1

  • kwargs -- passed to the Axes object

class PeakFinder[source]

PeakFinder(*pars) :: DataFrame

Manage a lot of the positions of peaks in smooth distribution

x = np.linspace(0, 4)
y = np.sin(x*2*np.pi)
dfp = PeakFinder(x,y)
plt.title('PeakFinder demo')
plt.plot(x,y, '.')
plt.plot(dfp.x,dfp.y, 'o');

x y
2 2.249889 0.974928

class Spectogram[source]

Spectogram(*pars, **kwargs) :: DataFrame

Create a spectogram as a DataFrame

columns correspond to frequencies, and rows to time intervals.


  • power ['p0'] or p1 or pb
  • interval [10] -- time interval (days)
  • overlap [1] -- overlap
  • tsamp [1/24] -- sampling rate (1/days)
Type Default Details
pars No Content
kwargs No Content

class Sinc[source]

Sinc(A, freq, delf)

A functor for the function sinc(x)**2.


Sinc.plot(width=2, ax=None, pticks=None, **kwargs)

Make a power vs. frequency plot

  • xlim : tuple(fmin,fmax) | None -- plot xlim. If None, center on peak,
      range 6x width
  • pticks : if specified, ticks for upper period scale
def sinc_demo():
    ### Sinc class demo
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,2))
    ax.set(xlabel='Frequency ($s^{-1}$)', ylabel='power')
    sinc = Sinc(1, 0.5, 0.1)
    sinc.plot(ax=ax, pticks=[1,1.5,2,3,4], label='sinc', toplabel='Period (s)')
    return locals()


Sinc class demo

Figure 1

class TimeSeries[source]

TimeSeries(source, config=None, tsamp=0.041666666666666664, rfact=5)

Generate a special set of cells for Fourier analysis Object of this class can be passed to godot/core.power_spectrum_fft, an (almost) copy of which is here.

  • source -- name of a source, an object inheriting from CellData, or a Simulation object
  • tsamp -- time sample size (in days)
  • rfact -- resolution factor [5]
cd = None # the TimeSeries object for manipulation below
def sim_test(amp=1, freq=5, T=50, srate=24, rng=None):
    ## Simulation Test 
    ### Simulation/FFT details:
    * Duration $T={T}\ d$,  
    * Sample rate ${srate}\ d^{-1}$ 
    * Signal: $S(t) = 10^{-6}\ \big[1 + A \cos(2\pi f_S t)\big]$, where $f_S$ is the source 
      frequency {freq:.1f}, and the amplitude $A={amp}$. 
    * Background: fixed at $10^{-6}$.
    * FFT: {nsamp} samples zero-padded to {nsize}, factor {resf:.1f}
    ### The periodogram
    ### Peak detection
    Peak finding finds {nump} peaks.
    The nearest peak to the expected signal:
    global cd
    from wtlike.simulation import Simulation
    def periodic(t):
        return 1e-6 * ( 1+ amp*np.cos(2*np.pi*freq*t) )
    tsamp = 1/srate
    with capture_hide('Output during setup') as setup_txt:
        sim = Simulation('periodic', src_flux=periodic, tstart=0, tstop=T, rng=rng)
        cd = TimeSeries(sim, tsamp=tsamp, )
    sim_info = cd.__repr__()
    delf = 1/T # window resolution
    fnyquist = 0.25/cd.tsamp
    nsamp = int(T/cd.tsamp)
    nsize = 4*len(cd.power_df)
    resf  = delf/cd.power_df.f[0]
    def left(ax):
        cd.power_plot(ax = ax, title='Kerr periodogram');    #fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,4))
    def right(ax):        
        ax.plot(cd.power_df.f, cd.power_df.p0, '.-');
        ax.axhline(0, color='grey')
        xlim = (freq-5*delf,freq+5*delf)
        ax.set(xlim =xlim, 
               xlabel='Frequency', ylabel='$P_0$',title='peak with sinc');
        A, m,b = cd.power_df.p0.max(), freq,  delf
        sincsq = lambda x: A*np.sinc((x-m)/b)**2 
        x = np.linspace(*xlim)
        ax.plot(x, sincsq(x), '--', lw=2 );
        hh = np.array([freq-delf/2, freq+delf/2])
        ax.plot(hh, sincsq(hh),'o-r', lw=2);
    fig1 = figure(plt.figure(figsize=(12,3)), 
        caption=f"""Left plot: The full Kerr periodogram showing $P_B$ and $P_1$ up to the Nyquist frequency {fnyquist}.
        Right plot: The $P_0$ spectral measure overlaid with the sinc function at the frequency $f_S$
        adjusted to match the peak and with its expected width, $1/T={delf}$. (Note that the FFT processing uses
        zero padding by at least a factor of 5 to improve the FFT resolution.)""",
        width = 800)
    gs = plt.GridSpec(1,10)

    left(  fig1.add_subplot(gs[:6]) )
    right( fig1.add_subplot(gs[7:]) )
    # find the peak
    peak_df = cd.find_peaks()
    nump = len(peak_df)
    k = peak_df.find_closest(freq)
    signal = peak_df.iloc[k] #peak_df.query(f'{freq-1/T}<x<{freq+1/T}')
    signal_text = monospace(str(signal))
    def peak_plot(fig):
        y = cd.power_df.p0.values
        x = cd.power_df.f.values
        xp, yp = peak_df.iloc[:,0], peak_df.iloc[:,1]
        ax = fig.add_subplot()
        hkw = dict(bins=np.linspace(0,40,41), histtype='stepfilled', log=True)
        ax.hist(yp, color='cornflowerblue', **hkw);
        ax.hist(signal.p0, label='signal', color='orange', **hkw);
        ax.set(xlabel='Power at peak')
    fig2 =  figure(plt.figure(figsize=(5,3)), 
                     caption='Distribution of peak power values')
    return locals()
# need to bix
sim_test(amp=0.1, fignum=1, rng=24)

Simulation Test

Output during setup
generated 25902 photons

Simulation/FFT details:

  • Duration $T=50\ d$,
  • Sample rate $24\ d^{-1}$
  • Signal: $S(t) = 10^{-6}\ \big[1 + A \cos(2\pi f_S t)\big]$, where $f_S$ is the source frequency 5.0, and the amplitude $A=0.1$.
  • Background: fixed at $10^{-6}$.
  • FFT: 1200 samples zero-padded to 8192, factor 6.8

The periodogram

Figure 1
Figure 1. Left plot: The full Kerr periodogram showing $P_B$ and $P_1$ up to the Nyquist frequency 6.0. Right plot: The $P_0$ spectral measure overlaid with the sinc function at the frequency $f_S$ adjusted to match the peak and with its expected width, $1/T=0.02$. (Note that the FFT processing uses zero padding by at least a factor of 5 to improve the FFT resolution.)

Peak detection

Peak finding finds 189 peaks. The nearest peak to the expected signal:

f      4.998702
p0 37.552967
Name: 158, dtype: float32

Figure 2
Figure 2. Distribution of peak power values
def sim_phase():
    ## Look at the phase
    The plot below is of the differences of the phase measured in sequential frequencies, using the analysis above.
    Subtracted from that is a constant offset, {offset:.2f} radians. This is $\pi$ divided by the FFT zero-padding factor {fftf:.2f}.
    Here is a histogram of the phase differences.
    Note that the periodic signal is not evident in the phase information--no visible change at its frequency.
    self = cd
    fftf = cd.fft_factor
    offset = np.pi/cd.fft_factor
    dfx = cd.phase_df(offset=offset) 
    fig2, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,3))
    ax.hist(dfx.delphi, 100, log=False, histtype='step');
    fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,3))
    ax1.plot(dfx.f, dfx.delphi, '.-');
    ax1.set(xlabel='Frequency', ylabel='Phase change')
    ax1.grid();#plt.xlim(4.8, 5.2);
    return locals()
TimeSeries: creating amplitude spectra

Look at the phase

The plot below is of the differences of the phase measured in sequential frequencies, using the analysis above. Subtracted from that is a constant offset, 0.46 radians. This is $\pi$ divided by the FFT zero-padding factor 6.83.

Figure 1

Here is a histogram of the phase differences.

Figure 2

Note that the periodic signal is not evident in the phase information--no visible change at its frequency.

def source_ffts(source_list, fs_list, xlim=None, xscale='log'):
    ## Output spectra using `wtlike.TimeSeries`

    This analysis uses a time bin size of {tbin_h:.2f} h for a Nyquist frequency of {nyquist:.0f}  $d^{-1}$
    and a total interval of {tspan:.0f} d. 

    This set of plots show the results of analyses of the three sources that Matthew examined, plus Vela.
    Like Kerr's Figure 6, the upper blue plot for each source is the profile likelihood estimator $P_1$, 
    and the bottom orange plot the background-fixed estimator $P_b$. 
    ### Exposure power spectrum
    It is also possible to extract only the exposure spectrum
    global tms_list'seaborn-ticks')
    tbinsize=1/96; tbin_h = tbinsize*24
    with capture_hide(f'Source setup output') as txt:        
        tms_list = [TimeSeries(name, tsamp=tbinsize) for name in source_list]

    nyquist = tms_list[0].f_Nyquist
    tspan = tms_list[0].tspan
    N = len(source_list)    
    fig, axx = plt.subplots(N,1, figsize=(15,3*N+1), sharex=True,)
    fig1 = figure(fig, width=600)
    for name, ax, fs,tms in zip(source_list, axx.flatten(), fs_list, tms_list):
        tms.power_plot(ax=ax, xlim=xlim or (2e-3,nyquist), 
                       pmax=None, xscale=xscale, fs=fs, name=name)

    fs = np.unique( np.array(sorted([1/53.05,1+1/365.25,15.1, 1/365.25, 4/365.25, 1/53.05, 4/365.25, 0.256,0.512, 5.01,15.1])))
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict(frequency=fs.round(3), period=(1/fs).round(2)))
    df.loc[:,'comment']=['1/year','4/year', 'Fermi precession', 'LS 5039 orbital period', 
                         'LS 5039 harmonic', 'sidereal day', 'Cyg X-3 orbital period', 'Fermi orbital frequency']

    with capture_show('The tagged frequencies') as txt2:
    fig2, axx2 = plt.subplots(N,1, figsize=(15,2*N+1), sharex=True)
    fig2x = figure(fig2, width=600)
    for name, ax, fs, tms in zip(source_list, axx2.flatten(), fs_list, tms_list):
        q = tms.power_spectrum(exp_only=True)
        x,y = q.f,q.p_exp
        ax.plot(x,y, '-')
        pmax = y.max()*1.1
        ap = dict(arrowstyle='->',color='k', lw=3)
        for f in fs:
            ax.annotate('', xy=(f, 0.85*pmax), xytext=(f, pmax),# transform=ax.transData,
        if name is not None:
            ax.text(0.02,0.96,  name, va='top', transform=ax.transAxes)
        ax.set(xscale='log', xlim=(2e-3,tms.f_Nyquist), ylim=(0,None),
          xlabel=r'$\mathrm{Frequency\ (cycles\ d^{-1})}$', 
               ylabel='Exposure power')
              lambda val,pos: { 0.01:'0.01', 0.1:'0.1', 1.0:'1', 10.0:'10',}.get(val,''))

    return locals()

if Config().valid:
    source_ffts(['Vela pulsar','Geminga','LS 5039', 'Cygnus X-3'],
            [[1/53.05,1,2,15.1],[1/365.25, 4/365.25, 15.1],[1/53.05, 4/365.25, 0.256,0.512, 15.1],[5.01,15.1]]) 

Output spectra using wtlike.TimeSeries

Source setup output
SourceData:  PSR J0835-4510: Restoring from cache with key "PSR J0835-4510_data"
SourceData: Source Vela pulsar with:
data: 3,587,233 photons from 2008-08-04 to 2022-05-26
exposure: 3,269,606 intervals, average effective area 3460 cm^2 for 97.7 Ms
rates: source 8.56e-06/s, background 2.05e-06/s, TS 7052015.5
CellData.rebin: Bin photon data into 484032 15-min bins from 54683.0 to 59725.0
SourceData: 4FGL J0633.9+1746: Restoring from cache with key "PSR J0633+1746_data"
SourceData: Source Geminga with:
data: 1,214,119 photons from 2008-08-04 to 2022-08-31
exposure: 3,412,848 intervals, average effective area 2691 cm^2 for 102.1 Ms
rates: source 3.31e-06/s, background 1.11e-06/s, TS 2290923.9
CellData.rebin: Bin photon data into 493344 15-min bins from 54683.0 to 59822.0
SourceData: LS 5039: Restoring from cache with key "P88Y5020_data"
SourceData: Source LS 5039 with:
data: 1,699,846 photons from 2008-08-04 to 2022-05-26
exposure: 3,186,410 intervals, average effective area 2940 cm^2 for 95.1 Ms
rates: source 2.90e-07/s, background 5.79e-06/s, TS 8946.5
CellData.rebin: Bin photon data into 484032 15-min bins from 54683.0 to 59725.0
SourceData: Cygnus X-3: Restoring from cache with key "504H-0317_data"
SourceData: Source Cygnus X-3 with:
data: 1,672,484 photons from 2008-08-04 to 2022-05-26
exposure: 3,584,619 intervals, average effective area 3330 cm^2 for 107.2 Ms
rates: source 3.72e-08/s, background 4.65e-06/s, TS 462.3
CellData.rebin: Bin photon data into 484032 15-min bins from 54683.0 to 59725.0

This analysis uses a time bin size of 0.25 h for a Nyquist frequency of 24 $d^{-1}$ and a total interval of 5042 d.

Figure 1

The tagged frequencies
   frequency  period                  comment
0 0.003 365.25 1/year
1 0.011 91.31 4/year
2 0.019 53.05 Fermi precession
3 0.256 3.91 LS 5039 orbital period
4 0.512 1.95 LS 5039 harmonic
5 1.003 1.00 sidereal day
6 5.010 0.20 Cyg X-3 orbital period
7 15.100 0.07 Fermi orbital frequency
This set of plots show the results of analyses of the three sources that Matthew examined, plus Vela. Like Kerr's Figure 6, the upper blue plot for each source is the profile likelihood estimator $P_1$, and the bottom orange plot the background-fixed estimator $P_b$.

Exposure power spectrum

It is also possible to extract only the exposure spectrum

Figure 2

Periodograms from the Kerr paper



LS 5039

Fermi Orbital freq is 15.1 d-1, LS 5038 is 0.26/d.
