Energy and event type information are available in the data, but not used by the current wtlike light curve analysis.
For a single cell the likelihood, derived by Kerr, is,
$$ \displaystyle\log\mathcal{L}(\alpha,\beta\ |\ w)\ = \sum_{w} \log \big( 1 + \alpha\ w + \beta\ (1-w) \big) - (\alpha\ S + \beta\ B) \tag{1}$$
where $w$ represents the set of all weights in the cell, and $S$ is an estimate for $\sum w$ using the cell's exposure relative to the full dataset.
We extend this with three modifications. Denoting the energy subset, or band, with an index $k$ we:
- Replace $\alpha$ with a value for each energy band, $\alpha_k$;
- Break the set $w$ into sets with specific $k$, $w_k$;
- Replace $S$ with its equivalent for each energy band, $S_k$, the estimate for the value of $\sum w_k$.
In the following we specialize to the usual case $\beta=0$. The likelihood, now a function of the set $\alpha_k$, is a sum over $k$:
$$ \log\mathcal{L}(\alpha_0,\alpha_1,\dots,| w)\ = \sum_k \big[ \sum_{w_k} \log ( 1 + \alpha_k\ w_k ) - \alpha_k\ S_k \big],\tag{2} $$
Calculation of $S_k$
Since the effective area also depends on event type, this is a sum of two terms. Let the function $\mathcal{E}_{kj}(I)$ represent the exposure, in $\mathrm{cm^2\ s}$, for energy band $k$ and event type $j$, for the time interval $I \equiv (t_a,t_b)$. Also, let $W_{kj}$ be the sums of $w_k$ for the subsets with $j$ = Front or Back.
The spacecraft pointing data relevant for a given source is a list of 30-s time intervals, each with a livetime $\tau$ and a value of $z\equiv \cos\theta$. Then for an interval $I$, either the full dataset or just a cell, we form an array of the sum of the livetime values binned in $z$. The final step to calculate $\mathcal{E}_{kj}$ involves the effective area $A$. This is determined from the $Fermi$ "IRF" tables, defining a function of energy $E$, $z$ and event type, returning values in $\mathrm{cm^2}$. Since we bin in $z$, it is represented by a $16\times 2 \times 12$ matrix for the 16 energy bins, 12 angular bins, and Front/Back. Symbolically, we have $\mathcal{E}(I)$ = $A_{eff} \cdot L(I)$ with $L$ the $12\times 2$ livetime matrix for interval $I$, resulting in the $16\times 2$ exposure matrix.
Thus we have $$ S_k =\sum_{j=F,B} \frac{\mathcal{E}_{kj}(I_{cell})}{\mathcal{E}_{kj}(I_{full})} W_{kj} \tag{3}$$
A question is how to prepare the SC data to facilitate this. Here is a snapshot of $\cos\theta$ for a fraction of a day:
The points are 30s apart, and the source is in the FOV on alternate orbits. Since an orbit is the minimum time interval for a cell, which is only appropriate for extremently bright flares, I propose to make an orbit the basic time unit to save for rebinning. For each orbit, I'll collect the 8x12 matrix $L(I_{orbit})$. For each orbit then, I make a sum of livetimes for bins in $z$, keeping the $z$ information.
I can save either the livetime binned in $z$ or, after applying the effective area, the exposure per energy band/event type. The former has (now) 12 bins, while the latter up to 32 with Front/Back and 16 energy bins. However, this is effectively 14 below 10 GeV, and I could make larger bins above 10 GeV.
Kerr evaluation of S:
This is an energy independent approach, used by Kerr, which ignores the energies and event types of the photons. In this case, the sum of all the weights, $\sum w \equiv W_{total}$ is used, with a relative exposure factor, to estimate the sum of the weights for a cell. The energy dependence of the effective area is averaged over with a weighting function $g$ representing the source spectrum.
So $\mathcal{E}(I) = A \cdot L(I)$ becomes $\bar{\mathcal{E}} = \bar{A} \cdot L(I) $, where $\bar{A}(z) = \sum_j \int g(E) A_{j}(E,z)\ dE$, is the energy-weighted effective area, now a function only of $z$. In the current approach it is evaluated only for the 12 binned values of $z$, instead of for each 30-s exposure interval. Finally,
$$ \bar{S}_{cell} = \frac{ \bar{\mathcal{E}}(I_{cell}) }{ \bar{\mathcal{E}}(I_{total}) } W_{total} \tag{4}$$
Making light curves
The objective is to look for changes over time. We consider two modes:
The basic assumption is that the spectral shape is fixed. In Eq. (2), set all $\alpha$'s to a single value which makes it identical to Eq. (1) with the identification $$S = \sum_k S_k \tag{5}.$$ Compare this with the Kerr approach: $$ S = \frac{f(I_{cell})}{f(I_{total})} \sum w,$$ where $f(I)$ is an effective exposure weighted by an energy spectrum for the interval. He used a weighting function $E^{-2.1}$. The actual source spectrum should be an better alternative.
Spectral shape
As the count mode detects changes in the level of flux, assumimg a constant spectrum, we will try to charactrize a change corresponding to a difference corresponding to multiplication by a power law. The nominal logarithmic energy spectrum, $E\ \frac{dN}{dE}$, is proportional to the $S_k$'s.
Since energies are digitized to 4 bins per decade from 100 MeV to 1 TeV, with the logarithmic bin center value representing the bin's energy, we have $E_k = 10^{(k+1/2)/4} \times 100 \mathrm{MeV}$ with $k=0,\ldots, 15$. (But only the first eight play a role in this analysis.)
So we want a likelihood expression, like Equation (2), with a parameter that characterizes a power law spectral factor. We use $f(E,\gamma) = \big( \frac{E}{E_c} \big)^{-\gamma}$ where $E_c=1\ \mathrm{GeV}$. The nominal value for $\gamma$ is zero.
Then $$ \frac{df(E_k,\gamma)}{d\gamma} = (3.5-k)\ \frac{\log(10)}{4} $$
Consider a single energy term in Eq. (2). Factor possible changes in the flux into an overall normalization change represented by $\alpha$, so we have an actual factor of $(1+\alpha)$ and that from $f(E_k,\gamma)$. Expand the latter to first order since we expect $|\gamma|<<1$, and keeping only first-order terms to obtain $$ \log\mathcal{L}_k(\alpha, \gamma)\ = \sum_{w\in W_k} \log\big(1+(\alpha+c_k\gamma)w\big) - (\alpha+c_k\gamma)\ S_k, $$ where $c_k = \log(E_k/E_c)=\frac{\log(10)}{4}(3.5-k)$.
Implementation note
The code, see the class Poisson
, uses a Poisson-like representation of $\log\mathcal{L}_k(\alpha)$ for each cell.
That can be reinterpreted as a function of $\alpha + c_k\gamma$.
For $s>0$, $$\log \mathcal{L}(s | s_p,e,b) = e\ \big[\ (s_p+b) \ \log( s+b ) - s\ \big] + \mathrm{const},$$ where the const is conventionally defined such that the log likelihood is zero at the peak.
For $s_p >> b$ or $e>>1$, the distribution approaches the normal distribution, and can be represented as,
$$ s = s_p \pm \sqrt{\frac{s_p+b}{e}}.$$
Here $s$ is the flux, $1+\alpha$.
These functions representing each subcell are created from the data. For a given cell, the likelihood for the flux for a cell is the the sum shown in Eq. (2). The modification for each of the subcell likelihood functions involves dividing the $e$ paramater for each function by $c_k$.
self = None # will be set below
def setup_test(name='Geminga', interval=7): ##PSR J1227-4853'
""" # Study {name} with {interval}-day bins
Create an instance of an `EnergyCells` object to use for the following plots.
Setting the Front-Back mask to {fbmask}.
global self
with capture_show('Printout') as output:
wtl = SourceData(name)
self = EnergyCells( wtl, interval)
return locals()
def ebands_plot(self, **kwargs):
""" ## Energy Band light curve
Each {self.interval}-day cell has 8 sub-cells for the 4/decade energies from 100 MeV to 10 GeV.
Thus we can construct a light curve for each energy band:
fig = figure(self.plot_fluxes,**kwargs)
return locals()
ebands_plot(self, ylim=(0,2), UTC=True )
def flux_pull_plots(self, fbmask):
#### {which}
which = ['','Front','Back', 'Both'][fbmask]
x = self.energy_moment()
pff = [FluxFixer( self.flux_table( fbmask).iloc[:,i] , x) for i in range(8)]
fig,axx = plt.subplots(2,4, figsize=(10,3))
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0)
for pf, ax in zip(pff, axx.flatten()):
return locals()
### Pull plots
The following show the pull histograms for each energy band.
def plot_sigmas(self, **kwargs):
"""### Resolution for Energy and event type
The top of each bar is the measured std, and the bottom the reduction
possible in the absence of systematics.
Note that there is no Back data below 300 MeV.
fit_info = check_fits(self)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4))
kw = dict(yscale='linear', ylim=(0,None),
xlabel='Energy (GeV)', ylabel='Relative STD (%)',
xticks=[-0.5,3.5,7.5], xticklabels='0.1 1 10'.split())
for ii, name, color in zip(range(3), 'F B F+B'.split(),
'cornflowerblue orange violet'.split()):
y = fit_info.loc[[ii],:]
k = np.array([t[1] for t in y.index])
for j, sig, psig in zip(k, 100*y.sigma.values, y.pull_std.values):
x = j + 0.14*(ii-1)
ax.plot( [x,x], [sig/psig, sig],'s-', lw=6, color=color, label=name if j==7 else '' );
return locals()
def plot_energy_moment(self):
"""## Energy moment
text = self.energy_moment.__doc__
x = self.energy_moment()
fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(12,4), sharey=True,
ax1.scatter(self.cells.time.values, x, marker='.')
ax2.hist(x, np.linspace(-0.2,0.2,101), histtype='step', lw=2,
return locals()
def plot_weighted_aeff(self, **kwargs):
## Weighted exposure
Compare the "Kerr-mode", power-law spectral shape, with that for the source.
The difference is rather small.
from wtlike.exposure import weighted_aeff
A = weighted_aeff(Config(use_kerr=True), self.source)
Ank = weighted_aeff(Config(use_kerr=False), self.source)
ctbins = LivetimeHistory.ctbins
ctvals = 0.5*(ctbins[1:] + ctbins[:-1])
Akerr = A(ctvals)
Ankerr = Ank(ctvals)
plt.rc('figure', figsize=(6,4))
plt.rc('font', size=10)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(ctvals, Akerr, '+:', label='power-law');
ax.plot(ctvals, Ankerr, 'x:', label='source')
ax.set(ylabel=r'$\mathrm{Effective\ area\ (cm^2)}$', ylim=(0,None), xlabel=r'$\cos\theta$')
return locals()
def count_light_curve(self, ftmask=3, **kwargs):
"""### Light curve and pull distribution--{data}
The left plot below shows relative flux, using all energies, for {self.source_name} in {self.interval}-day bins,
showing the relative flux.
The right plot is the distribution of the "pulls", compared with the expected Gaussian.
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
data = ['','Front only','Back only','Front and Back'][ftmask]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,3))
gs = GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[4,1], wspace=0.15, top=0.95)
(ax1,ax2) = [fig.add_subplot(g) for g in gs]
kw = dict(ylim=(0.5,1.5))
ax1.axhline(1, color='grey')
cf = self.count_flux(ftmask)
pulls = p: p.sigma_dev(1))
flux_plot(cf, ax=ax1,**kw);
pull_plot(pulls, ax=ax2)
return locals()
count_light_curve(self, 1)
count_light_curve(self, 2)
count_light_curve(self, 3)
def plot_ratio_vs_eindex(self, strategy, rlim=(0.8,1.2), **kwargs):
### {comment}
# # S, B = self._get_S_and_B()
# ssum = S.sum(axis=1)
Scell = strategy(self)
comment = strategy.__doc__
wsum = np.array([sum(c['w']) for c in self])
ratio = (Scell/wsum).clip(*rlim)
# Energy index weighted by exposure
F = self._get_Fbar()[:,:8].sum(axis=2)
iE = np.arange(8)
EF = (iE * F).sum(axis=1) / F.sum(axis=1)
x,y = EF-3.5, ratio
class LSQ():
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.a, self.b = np.linalg.lstsq(np.vstack([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T, y, rcond=None)[0]
def __call__(self, x):
return self.a*x + self.b
def __str__(self):
return rf'$y={self.a:.2f}x + {self.b:.2f}$'
fitfun = LSQ(x,y)
fig, (ax,ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(12,4),
sharey=True, gridspec_kw=dict(width_ratios=[3,1]))
ax.plot(x,y, '.', color='cornflowerblue', label='cell data')
ax.plot(x, fitfun(x), '--', color='orange', label=f'least-squares fit:\n{fitfun}')
kw = dict(xlabel='Weighted Energy index', ylabel='ratio', ylim=rlim)
kw.update(kwargs); ax.set(**kw)
ax.axhline(1, color='grey')
ax2.hist(y, np.linspace(*rlim), histtype='step', lw=2,
orientation='horizontal', label=f'${y.mean():.3f}\pm{y.std():.3f}$')
ax2.legend(); ax2.grid(alpha=0.5)
ax2.axhline(1, color='grey')
return locals()
## Study exposure weighting
plot_ratio_vs_eindex(self, get_S_cell);
plot_ratio_vs_eindex(self, Sbar(A1,'Power-law 2.1'))
plot_ratio_vs_eindex(self, Sbar(A2, 'Source spectral model'))
plot_ratio_vs_eindex(self, Sbar(A3, f'Power-law${Gamma}$'))