Prepared for presentation to the Fermi-LAT Autumn 2011 collaboration meeting, to follow a time-based weighted likelihood presentation by M. Kerr.

Introduction to wtlike

The wtlike package applies the Kerr weighted likelihood to Fermi photon data. It is available on PyPI and github, is purely in python with no dependency on Fermi-LAT code.

I'd like to express appreciation to Kent Wood, for being a tester and providing many useful suggestions.

Quickly generate light curves

Within 10 min, one can generate the full light curve for any source on any time scale, optionaly performing a Bayesian Block analysis.

Thus, as shown here, one can:

  • Extend the Light Curve Repository

Other Potential applications

  • Reproduce the entire LCR
  • Evaluate variability for all sources with Bayesian Blocks
  • Periodically monitor a set of sources for recent flaring activity
  • Detect and make light curves of unassociated flares from FAVA
  • with timing solutions, provide lists of weighted photons for pulsar timing

I now demonstrate how to reproduce and extend any source in the Light Curve Repository (LCR)

def lcr_about():
    ## The Light Curve Repository "about" example

    I'll use this strong, active source as an example for a simple comparison.
    Here is the 4FGL source 4FGL J0237.8+2848 (associated with 4C 28.07), as shown on the [LCR "about" page](


    This shows 3-day bins through Sep 28 2020. 
    img=image('LCR_about_fig2.png', caption=None, width=600)
    return locals()

ipynb_docgen: Can't set width at the moment

The Light Curve Repository "about" example

I'll use this strong, active source as an example for a simple comparison. Here is the 4FGL source 4FGL J0237.8+2848 (associated with 4C 28.07), as shown on the LCR "about" page

Figure 1

This shows 3-day bins through Sep 28 2020.

def lcr_about_example(fig_width=600, clear=False):
    ## The same source with wtlike
    <p style="text-align:right; ">wtlike version {__version__}<br>{date}</p>
    ### The result
    What did that take?
    #### Set up the source ...
    The only code, perhaps in a Jupyterlab cell, needed to set up the source for plots is: 

        from wtlike import *
        wtl = WtLike('4FGL J0237.8+2848', time_bins=(0,0,3))
    This creates an instance, `wtl`, of the class `WtLike`, specifying a source name, with 3-day (default is 7) time bins for the full data set.
    The name can be that of any source known to `astropy` which is closer than $0.1^\circ$ to a 4FGL-DR3 or uw1216 source.
    Thus specifying instead the associated 4C 28.07 would have worked.
    #### ... and make the plot
    Then, instructing the object to plot itself with the statement
    generates the light curve plot shown above. 
    ### Apply Bayesian blocks 
    To partion the 3-day intervals, or cells, using Bayesian Blocks use another function member of the class `WtLike`. The 
        bb = wtl.bb_view()
    define a new *instance* of `WtLike`, using the current 3-day likelihood fits.
    This instance has a different `plot()`, which makes an overlay showing the BB partitions, each with a new fit. 
    ### Check that recent flare
    The flaring behavior at the end of the interval prompts exploration. We use the `view()` function to return another 
    copy of the original `wtl`, but with different binning, and ask it to make a plot of the last 30 days, via
        recent = wtl.view(-30,0,1)
    from wtlike import __version__
    with capture('Source setup output: Load data, create and fit bins') as print1:
        with Timer() as t:
            wtl = WtLike('J0237.8+2848', time_bins=(0,0,3), clear=clear)
    fig1 = figure(
        wtl.plot(UTC=True,figsize=(15,4), fignum=1),
    with capture('Bayesian block analysis output', ) as print2:
        with Timer() as t:
            bb = wtl.bb_view()
    fig2= figure(bb.plot(UTC=True,figsize=(15,4), fignum=2), width=fig_width);
    with capture('Rebinning output') as print3:
        recent = wtl.view(-30,0,1)
    fig3=figure(recent.plot(tzero=round(wtl.stop), fignum=3), width=fig_width)
    print(' ')  # seems needed to get nbdev to generate the doc?  
    return locals()
if Config().valid:

The same source with wtlike

wtlike version 0.7.1
2022-10-29 15:55

The result

Figure 1

What did that take?

Set up the source ...

The only code, perhaps in a Jupyterlab cell, needed to set up the source for plots is:

    from wtlike import *
    wtl = WtLike('4FGL J0237.8+2848', time_bins=(0,0,3))

Source setup output: Load data, create and fit bins
SourceData:  4FGL J0237.8+2848: Restoring from cache with key "P88Y0643_data"
SourceData: Source J0237.8+2848 with:
data: 129,845 photons from 2008-08-04 to 2022-07-02
exposure: 3,382,996 intervals, average effective area 2943 cm^2 for 101.2 Ms
rates: source 1.21e-07/s, background 3.15e-07/s, TS 43807.3
CellData.rebin: Bin photon data into 1693 3-day bins from 54683.0 to 59762.0
LightCurve: select 1639 cells for fitting with e>15 & n>2
elapsed time: 3.1s (0.1 min)

This creates an instance, wtl, of the class WtLike, specifying a source name, with 3-day (default is 7) time bins for the full data set. The name can be that of any source known to astropy which is closer than $0.1^\circ$ to a 4FGL-DR3 or uw1216 source. Thus specifying instead the associated 4C 28.07 would have worked.

... and make the plot

Then, instructing the object to plot itself with the statement


generates the light curve plot shown above.

Apply Bayesian blocks

To partion the 3-day intervals, or cells, using Bayesian Blocks use another function member of the class WtLike. The statements

    bb = wtl.bb_view()

define a new instance of WtLike, using the current 3-day likelihood fits. This instance has a different plot(), which makes an overlay showing the BB partitions, each with a new fit.

Bayesian block analysis output
Bayesian Blocks: partitioning 1639 cells using LikelihoodFitness with penalty 5%
found 80 / 1639 blocks.
LightCurve: Loaded 80 / 80 cells for fitting
elapsed time: 29.1s (0.5 min)

Figure 2

Check that recent flare

The flaring behavior at the end of the interval prompts exploration. We use the view() function to return another copy of the original wtl, but with different binning, and ask it to make a plot of the last 30 days, via

    recent = wtl.view(-30,0,1)

Rebinning output
CellData.rebin: Bin photon data into 30 1-day bins from 59732.0 to 59762.0
LightCurve: select 30 cells for fitting with e>5 & n>2

Figure 3

So what do you need in order to do this?

  • Install with pip install wtlike
  • create a file ~/.config/wtlike/config.yaml like the one at /nfs/farm/g/glast/burnett
  • Make a link to, or get a copy of the 3 GB at /nfs/farm/g/glast/u/burnett/wtlike_data
def show_dataflow():
    ### How does it work?
    #### Data flow diagram
    img = image('wtlike_dataflow.png', width=600, caption=None)
    return locals()

There are some important features

  • Weights assigned via a table
    Allows sepation of the procesees that evaluates the weight from assignment to an individual photon.

  • Photons and livetime info for any direction are taken from a compact version of the full FT1/FT2 set of files.
    This makes the system very portable, with <3GB needed, with no need for the full fermipy package, and much faster to start a source, and especially to generate a new binning.

  • Using a Poisson-like representation of the likelihood.
    It turns out that any likelihood evaluated with the Kerr formula, involving a lot of computation, can be safely approximated with a 3-parameter scaled Poisson function.
    Thus the fits to individual cells are represented by the likelihood function, not just a limit or a value/uncertainty pair--these easily derived from the three parameters!

  • Exposure is calculated based on the energy and event type, rather than assuming a power-law.
    For count flux measurements, which are dominated by the lowest energies, this does not matter much, but it allows measurement of energy dependence, a future enhancement.

The user interface

wtlike is designed for, (but does not require) Jupyterlab notebooks, that is, to enhance interactivity. As this presentation shows, a basic light curve, can be done with a single line of code:

WtLike('4C 28.07').plot()

If the source in question is already in the cache managed by wtlike, this requires <10s, otherwise ~10 min. Creating different views, with restricted time ranges or intervals, is simply done with the view() member function. Running a Bayesian Block analysis is performed with the function bb_view().

Caveats and (Current) Limitations

Problem with the exposure calculation?

Kent finds, using autocorrelation, a significant precession period (~52 day) signal in some parts of the sky, especially the GC. This needs to be understood and corrected immediately. It does not seem to affect Geminga, with only a 4% systematic resolution degradation, or any of the pulsars that I have studied, however.

Pointlike rather than gtlike

The weights tables should be similar, but gtlike is the collaboration standard.

Absolute fluxes

The weighted likelihood provides relative count flux values vs. time, relative to the average flux for the full time interval. However, the weights were determined by the 12-year DR3 dataset.

Nearby variable sources

As pointed out in the LCR "about" page, there are "15 other variable sources within a 12 deg radius". But in the case shown, the nearest variable source is $4.8^\circ $ away. A weak pulsar $4^\circ$ distant shows no effect. Actually, another source has to be within a few degrees to have an impact. The Kerr scheme assumes that the background is constant, at most allowing for an overall rescaling which would not describe the effect of a nearby source.

However, given the position-dependent weight tables for both sources, each initally determined assuming the other is constant, allows a straight-forward modification for overlapping pixels. The dominant case, that only one is varying at a time is easy. This a future project.

GRBs and solar flares

Could be locally masked out.

Data file availability

The 3 GB that are needed (which compress to a 2 GB zip file) need to have a publicly available place for distribution. Fermi collaboarators who have a SLAC account could access them via scp (they are at /afs/slac/g/glast/users/burnett/wtlike_data), but I want a public repository, ideally with a cron job to perform daily updates of the photon data.

The biggest limitation

is ...

There is only one (octogenarian) developer!

All the code is in github/tburnett/wtlike, somewhat documented using the nbdev system.