Generate light curves from cells
A "light curve" is a table with columns
-- time in MJDtw
-- the cell widthn
-- number of photonse
-- exposure, in $\mathrm{10^6 s\ cm^2}$ unitsfit
-- the fit object, containing info about the flux. This is usually aPoissonRep
It is generated from a set of cells. The primary entry is the class LightCurve
Example plot-- the first 100 days of Fermi data for Geminga
And forcing upper limits
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=RuntimeWarning)
if config.valid:
lc = LightCurve('3C 279' );
from wtlike.time_series import TimeSeries
ts = lc.periodogram()
ts.power_plot(pmax=100, xlim=(0.5,None), xscale='log');