Weight tables
We use a full-sky catalog analysis model, currently pointlike, see source_weights, to evaluate the predicted flux from a source of interest with respect to the background, the combined fluxes from all other sources.
We choose the following binning:
- energy: 4/decade from 100 MeV to 1 TeV (but only upto 10 GeV really used)
- event types: Front/Back
- Angular position: HEALPix, nside from 64 to 512 depending on the PSF
In the tables, the energy index and event type are packed into a 1-byte band index, and the HEALPix index is in NEST order.
The table output also includes the predicted flux for each band, and the spectral model used.
def weight_table_plots():
### Plots of weight vs. radius
These plots, of a strong source with little background, and a weak one, show the
value of the weight vs. the radius of the pixels in the table. These is a
plot for each energy/event type band. The top row has energies 100 MeV to 1 GeV,
the bottom row 1 GeV to 10 GeV, Front, in green, and Back in orange.
Note the absense of Back for energies below {Emid} MeV. The pointlike model does not
compute these to avoid the larger PSF and Earth limb background. The maximum radius
per band is determined by the PSF.
Emid = round(10**2.5)
img = image('weight_table_plots.png', width=500, caption=None)
return locals()
The local code used to do the unpacking is in the class WeightMan
This table is used with the data, as a simple lookup: A weight is assigned to each photon according to which energy, event type or HEALPix pixel it lands in.
Accounting for variations from neighboring sources
Consider the case where sources $S_1$ and $S_2$ have overlapping pixels. For a given pixel and band, the corresponding weights are $w_1$ and $w_2$, and we investigate the effect on $S_1$ from a fractional variation $\alpha_2 \ne 0$ of $S_2$, such that its flux for that pixel, $s_2$, becomes $(1+\alpha )\ s_2$. With the background $b$, the flux of all sources besides $S_1$ and $S_2$, we have for the $S_1$ weight,
$$ w_1 = \frac{s_1}{s_1+s_2+b}\ \ ,$$
and similarly for $S_2$. Replacing $s_2$ with $(1+\alpha ) s_2$, we have for the modified weight $w_1'$ that we should use for $S_1$, $$w'_1 = \frac{w_1}{1+\alpha_2\ w_2}\ \ . $$