JupyDoc Documents

This text was generated by a document called "Index". It is used by the Jupydoc system to create the index.html file in the docpath folder by modifying this docstring. The class may be used as a super class for a user Index.

Technicals 2020-11-17 16:11 JupyDoc technical detalis

This document contains various technical details.

Manual 2020-11-17 11:41 Jupydoc: Generate documents with Python code

This is a comprehensive manual for the Jupydoc document-creation system, which both describes and tests all its features.


Document Index, From module jupydoc.docpub.py, created using jupydoc on 2020-11-17 16:11
Saved to /mnt/c/Users/thbur/OneDrive/work/tburnett.github.io